Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unity Study Notes (1)

Download the unity dll's from

I. Without Registering Type/Instance

By the documents of Unity, we have:
"You can use the Unity container to generate instances of any object that has a public constructor (in other words, objects that you can create using the new operator), without registering a mapping for that type with the container. When you call the Resolve method and specify the default instance of a type that is not registered, the container simply calls the constructor for that type and returns the
We write the following code to test:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();

MyService serviceInstance = container.Resolve< MyService>();
serviceInstance.Print("End of 2010.");

public class MyService
public void Print(string msg)
Console.WriteLine("Hello," + msg);

The Unity Application Block exposes two methods for registering types and mappings with the container:

II. Register Type

This method register a type with the container and at the appropriate time the container will build an instance of the type you specified.

Let's first Create an interface called IWriteService,

public interface IWriteService
void Write(string msg);

And we create 4 concrete classes

public class FirstService : IWriteService
public void Write(string msg)
Console.WriteLine("First Service: "+msg);
public class SecondService : IWriteService
public void Write(string msg)
Console.WriteLine("Second Service: " + msg);
public class ThirdService : IWriteService
public void Write(string msg)
Console.WriteLine("Third Service: " + msg);
public class FourthService : IWriteService
public void Write(string msg)
Console.WriteLine("Fourth Service: " + msg);

In the Main entry, we can register the Service with mapping.

IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();

//Do not specify the name, will be the default mapping
container.RegisterType< IWriteService, FirstService>();
//notice we use the RegisterType< TFrom, TTo >, this creats a mapping
//we can also use RegisterType< T>

//Specify the name
container.RegisterType< IWriteService, SecondService>("Second");

//We can also use register chain
container.RegisterType< IWriteService, ThirdService>("Third")
.RegisterType< IWriteService, FourthService>("Fourth");

So when resolve, we can specify the name or use the default mapping.

IWriteService serviceInstance1 = container.Resolve< IWriteService>();

IWriteService serviceInstance2 = container.Resolve< IWriteService>("Second");

IWriteService serviceInstance3 = container.Resolve< IWriteService>("Third");

We can also use ResolveAll method to get the IEnumerable< IWriteService> Collection:

IEnumerable< IWriteService> serviceInstances = container.ResolveAll< IWriteService>();
foreach (IWriteService service in serviceInstances)

The source code is at:

III. Register Instance

We can also register instance to the container.

We write class the following:

public class FifthService : IWriteService
public void Write(string msg)
Console.WriteLine("Fifth Service: " + msg);

And in the Main entry, we write code to register and resolve instance like the following:

container.RegisterInstance< IWriteService>(new FifthService());
IWriteService service5 = container.Resolve< IWriteService>();
service5.Write("Register Instance");

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